

Is a partial or complete loss of sensation with or without loss of consciousness that can be induced through administering an anaesthetic agent usually by injection or can be inhalation. What is an ideal anesthetic drug? It should induce anaesthesia smoothly and permits rapid induction and rapid recovery. It should have a wide margin of safety and should be devoid of adverse effects.

Our patients in Accu Art Fertility Center who needs the care of an anaesthesiologist during procedures like ovum pick up, ovarian rejuvenation, cyst aspiration, testicular sperm extraction deserve to have a pain free operation. To lessen the anxiety and troubled feeling of our patient helps maintain his/her well being thus extraction of healthy ovum or sperms can be more expected. How do we do it? Patient will be instructed to have nothing per orem (not to eat and drink) at least 6-8 hours prior to the procedure. An intravenous line will be gently placed by our nurse where the route of the anaesthetic drugs will be in place. A continuous intravenous sedation while the operation is ongoing will surely make the patient fall into a restful sleep. Our patient’s safety is always our priority. A cardiac monitor is attached to the patient which continuously monitor his/her blood pressure, pulse, ECG, oxygen saturation. Then around 30-45 minutes after the procedure, the patient is arousable from her sedation, still with the monitors attached at the Recovery Room. We make sure our patients are stable and fully awake before sending them home. We have competent, specialized nurses to make our monitoring judiciously. A prescribed pain reliever and some home instructions will be given to our patient once discharged. It will be a smooth sailing procedure because we have the best staff in our center!